Alan near the summit of Denali


Self Talk & the Importance of Affirmations

Man laying in field thinking

You know how some offices or waiting rooms have those black-framed pictures on the walls with uplifting sayings, usually about achievement, teamwork, optimism or leadership? Well, those positive messages, although they may sometimes seem a little cliché, are actually very…

Our Inner Voice & Why it Matters

Inner voice in ear

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have an internal running monologue going on in our heads many times throughout our day – everyone does! This inner voice consists of the silent conversations, random thoughts, worries and…

Physical Resilience

Bouncing Back – 5 Ways to Recover from a Failed or Toxic Relationships

We know that mental resilience is our mind’s ability to adapt and recover when dealing with adversity, but it’s also important to explore how physical resilience impacts us, and why it’s important. Physical resilience is our body’s ability to adapt…

Mental Resilience

Woman sitting with hat on high ledge looking out at fog

As we delve further into our discussion on resilience, it makes sense to explore mental resilience on its own. Also called mental toughness or grit, mental resilience is our ability to respond and cope with difficulties so that we can…